Saturday, May 14, 2011

my life in instagrams.

APT 260 Forever.

my trip to the Louvre in Paris, France.

MILK trip in LA, with my second favorite couple.

the good life.

Almond Souffle in the OC with my favorite tita.

quality time with Des, my favorite troll.

ready to make things happen.

hell or highwater, it's us against the world.

the cone of shame fail.

home-made sweetness.

how Jackie got her groove back, in Las Vegas.

Saj's birthday night in LA.

the Westminster Abbey in London.

La Jolla Cove in San Diego.

laughs before goodbye.


  1. wow.. you blog?!!
    anyway.. what's this "second favorite couple?"
    who's the first?!

  2. whats ur instagram name? mines: stellabymo0r

  3. @joanna my first favorite couple is ... ME & KRIS! duh! hahaha is that too conceited?

    @dez jaxx815
